Thursday, February 8, 2007

Six Degrees Traveler

A broadcast lead by ‘Six Degrees’ co-founder, Bob Duskis. A weekly station playing 2 hour Traveler Installments with commentaries from Bob Duskis.'LISTEN' This station is my long time favorite as it features amazing songs and mixes that are really rare to find in the World Electronica/Dance genre. Check Out their website for more info on current playlist and artists. My favorite artist I heard on their label is ‘Bombay Dub Orchestra’ which features 2 great artists Garry Hughes and Andrew T. Mackay and 'Bossacucanova'. From ‘Six Degrees’ editors about Bossacucanova album:” the members of Bossacucanova suggest that you "secure a tranquil moment, select the right company and relax your mind and your eyes. Let our soundwaves take you to the magnificent sunsets of Ipanema beach." As attractive as that invitation is, listeners will probably find that this wonderful album will complement a raucous evening on the patio with cocktails and tiki torches as nicely as it does a moment of tranquil relaxation. Gentle jazz, complex breakbeats, sad-but-happy melodies, sudden eruptions of funky electronica — it sounds kind of like a recipe for the perfect party, doesn't it? For that matter, it may even be the recipe for a better world — but the party will do for now”. The station also has an archive for their installements here. And you can hear some of music label music life at various clubs and venues throughout North America.
Playlist: 2 hour show no ads(Professional Station)
Genre: World Electronica
Other electronica label i like:

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

REmiXed! by DJ Jimmy B

This Dance station became popular among thousands of International listeners in just 2 months. Started in December 2006, it reached almost 5,000 TLH (Total Listening Hours in the last 30 days) by February. It takes couple years for a good station to reach this TLH. Broadcaster, ‘DJ Jimmy B’ also has a nice website with 'The Hit List'.
The station has a lot of Energy Megamixes, Progressive remixed tracks and EuroNRG hits by Sash, Alice Deejay and many others. It makes you dance in your chair at work, oops I probably shouldn’t do this. If you have a party, just turn this station on your MAC or PC and any crowd would start dancing hearing the music coming out from your speakers.<Listen>

For readers who don’t know what live365 is – it is a community of more than 10,000 broadcasters and millions of listeners. Anybody can become a broadcaster and share their music tastes with millions. Just as and Pandora, we have popular tracks, but we also have many custom DJ Mixes, Talk Shows, International Music from all over the world and Professional stations. I guess this would be one of the reasons why I have been here for more than 7 years already.

Other great dance stations:
Planet Euro
Genre:Electronic/Dance, Dance Pop, Progressive
Playlist:More than 10 hours long, regularly updated

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Remember the movie 'Groove', It was around year 2000 when it came out during a time when we were going out everyweek to party in SF. Popular DJs at the
time: , John Digweed and Sasha, Leftfield and DJ Polywoog. It was a time of progressive house, when your head started slowly spinning and some sounds would bring you up high and some would drop you down. There is a popular party in SF 'Stompy' which we really enjoy back then and now, they have been is SF from 1992. While thinking about these times I tried to find a station that would remind me how happy we were dancing and enjoying each other. Here is the station: SFDance. It is a small spin of tunes that were popular in 2000. Nobody touched this station for few years, but it has few hours of good music. On the left pic of DJ Polywog on Webby Awards 2002 I attended.

My Favs playing progressive house:Dance Groovz


Playlist: lasts for a few hours
Genre: Electronic/Dance, Techno, Trance

Monday, February 5, 2007


This station started in the year 2000 by 2 coworkers, me(Lana) and Natalia. After we discovered absolute love for downtempo music and great artists like Thievery Corporation, Nightmares on Wax, De-Phazz, Kruder & Dorfmeister and many others that were playing in many SF locations. This was also the same time I met my husband who also fell in love with me and the music I love. The image on the left, my painting was also inspired by this station.

Other stations playing downtempo music i like:
Chillout 2 New York


French Lounge

Playlist: lasts for a few days
Genre: Downtempo, Electronic/Dance, Chill
Listen: 5 years ago-in a club hugging with friends, now-lounging at home connected with Squeezebox.
Some great Downtempo sites:,
Clubs in SF playing Chill:Supperclub,Levende Lounge,Medjool

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